Il est encore possible en 2022 d’avoir beaucoup de plaisir en composant un bon vieux numéro de téléphone (oui, oui, oui!). Voici votre défi: dans la liste suivante, dites-moi, quel numéro ai-je composé sans pouvoir une seconde résister? Indice: ensuite j’ai choisi l’option 3. Et j’ai ri!

(202) 762-1401: USNO master clock!
(202) 965-9970: you have just deactivated this feature.
(206) 343-0011: this call requires a coin deposit. no, really.
(213) 621-0001: the good, old-fashioned, "We're sorry..." recording (not Jane Barbe, sadly)
(213) 621-0002: 1000Hz @ 0dB (this only makes sense if you're a phone person)
(270) 301-5797: a maze of twisty little touch tones, all different.
(313) 849-9906: calling is too heavy to answer this number.
(505) 503-4455: Better Call Saul
(570) 387-0000: "due to an emergency condition...."
(573) 996-0002: they still have party lines?
(618) 625-8313: Stranger Things
(719) 266-2837: hall and oates emergency song line
(800) 444-4444: automated number announcement circuit
(845) 354-9912: callcannotbecompletedasdialed....."
(858) 651-5050: the pronunciation line
(877) 763-2435: odd squad HQ
(888) 447-5594: congratulations, you found your way here
(914) 232-9901: pleasant hills DMS 100
(914) 737-9938: somebody said put an outgoing message here
(916) 440-0017: your service has been interrupted.
(916) 440-0031: "due to facility trouble...."
Source: Stromrider par l’entremise de Boingboing.